Originally Posted by KEISLERGENE
Him trying to sugar coat the situation isn't why they denied the claim. It was because the trans was abused.
Fair enough. If you're willing to take the time, can you please define abuse in either your terms, or Tremecs terms.
Skip the the obvious examples (applying 1500ft-lbs through a 600ft-lb transmission, downshifting to 1st at 100mph, etc...)
Does abuse mean taking your car to the track and racing it?
Does abuse mean sidestepping a clutch at redline?
How is abuse objectively determined?
Who has the burden of proof...the customer, or the manufacturer?
After reading this thread, I'm honestly afraid to buy a manual transmission if the burden of proof in situations like this is expected to be with the customer. You can't prove you didn't abuse it. Period.
And, if it comes down to personal reputation as a basis of whether or not to honor a warranty claim on a material purchase, that's pretty scary too. You decide someone is a liar, and poof...warranty void!