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oh yea the new fender 'blackie' relic exact copy of eric's that sold for 950,000 . 275 total run. custom shop. i think 20 is too much but i'm sure they will sell. i've a regular blackie awesome by the way and a martin bianca beautiful, bianca should go up in value in a couple years. probably end up family heirloom. i got it to sell down the road but i doubt wife will let me. also looking a gibson V hendrix saw one for 5,000 yesterday should have got it but it's gone now.6,500 lowest i've seen on that one. few years 10,000 i guess. so of these are a great investment.. 30 for this cobra is a steal in my opinion. very tempting. but i've got one. should be greatful and stop wanting so much. Mark G. have fun