I love monday's. (most of the time)
life gets back to normal around here.
Peter's home sick today.
I'm off to gym, grocery store, regular stuff.
see ya'll later.
We had steady rain all night. First good rain in quite awhile. Those occasional scattered storms we've had don't do much except make the grass slightly greener. we need a bunch of rain!!
We managed to get our meet in- albeit with overcast skies. And the school carnival was successful, without rain. #3 had a couple of projects we had to work on yesterday. And, we are finally going thru a couple of bookcases with baby/toddler books on them. We will keep the special ones, and donate the gently used but less read picture books to headstart of something.
It's a good thing when you have so many books you can donate them.

my girls are excited about it, too. They've done the first 'sort', I'll follow up with it, and see if the boys have any special ones they want to pick out.
have a good day, folks, and Ron, maybe the day will clear up.

Mike Z. good to see you post the other day. You don't come by often enough.