My recommendations would be for the 3m paint protection, I wish I had it on mine. While the wood wheel looks authentic you'll thank yourself if you get the leather option. As far as engine power and the bb/sb argument goes, that's a tough call. I have a sb because I wanted the lighter weight/better handling and felt that the slight reduction in acceleration and top speed was worth it. Plus, my 392 has 460hp and is insanely fast. If you're a total speed freak then you might need more power but I routinely drive mine at the limit and find that the biggest limitation is traction, not hp. Anything over 400hp is going to FLY. Heck, ask Olthoff, they often steer people to 385hp arguing that anything more simply can't be used on the street.
Another thing about the engine and engine compartment. If you want to have an engine that looks simply beautiful spring for the polish package. It'll put an
extra big smile on your face and everyone else who sees it, plus it's probably easier to clean.
Regarding the wheels, I'd recommend the 15"ers. I almost bought 17's and thought thats what I wanted but when I saw a bunch of cobras side by side I noticed that the 15's look correctly sized to the wheel well and car. Believe me, I know my car isn't "correct" and don't even pretend its original, that's why I have a flameball shift knob

Ultimately you'll need to get what looks best to you - as long as you get the paint guards!
Good luck with your decisions.