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Wheew-ie.... Due to my current Tremec T-5 Trans. "Speedeometer Problem" I have followed this thread from the start. Quite a showcase of human nature.
I saw 4 things that stood out that all parties, and all of us, should learn from this one.
1. Be upfront from the begining and hope for good customer service policy. (Most larger suppliers, to any industry, do not like unhappy customers)
2. Recognize a reasonable settlement from a supplier and grab it when offered.
3. Do not respond from emotions. (Watch what you send into cyberspace for all to see) Sarcassim often sends a negative image of a person or business.
4. Although it is a great trans., Tremec may need to step up their current quality control efforts..These transmissions shouldn't break this easily.
And the beat goes on..Will be watching the search engines to see if they pick up on this. In all it has been quite entertaining.........ox_ford-guy
Last edited by ox_ford_guy; 11-07-2006 at 01:36 PM..