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Old 06-30-2001, 08:59 PM
cobraken cobraken is offline
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Default shell valley kits

i just read all of your interesting problems with your shell valley buildups! i've been busy driving my shell valley 67 427 roadster and not had much time! i, too had several "fun" problems with my shell valley kit! i bought the roller kit with the body installed and the suspension hung on and still it was "an interesting experience" to say the least! i thought it was strange to see a clean freshly painted shortened rear axle assembly only to find rusty trashed inside parts to same! the bearings were trash, the seals were rotten, the gears rusty, wheel cylinders junk, axle vent tube other words the entire rear axle had to be rebuilt! new everything! and fun to find parts for since there's no axle id tag so you don't know what you've got! lucky i got a good parts guy at my local napa store! and that wiring harness was looking good until i was aways into the wiring and found wires with colors that didn't match the schematic! good thing i have test equipment and a battery charger. took longer than i expected to "just follow the color codes, you can't go wrong" WRONG!! i found out the only way to get some of the wiring sorted out was to call shell valley and talk to "kovar"! that guy truly has all the answers! i would sat i had plenty of "little problems" along the way of my buildup! parts not fitting and things going wrong (many of them were my fault)! was it worth it? YOU BET!!! that car is more fun than any of my hot rods in the past...67 mustang gt390, 67 chevelle 427, 63 chevy impala ss 409, etc., etc. i can go fast when i want and cruise slow and be envied when i want! i have been driving my cobra since july 2000, weather permitting, and even though its not real comfortable, has no air cond., no power anything(except engine), it's the coolest, classiest, and damn near the fastest car in my area! so don't lose sight of what you're working for "a cobra" and press onward! the goal is attainable and worth every drop of sweat and blood (yeah i cut the crap out of myself a couple of times) and a few cuss words!! you'll be VERY glad you did! oh, yeah i just thought i'd add i kicked a new corvette's backside the other day! showed him the proper viewing of "A COBRA"!
kenneth r. miller
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