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Old 11-16-2006, 07:10 PM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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hmmm. probably. I do have 3 antique rifles hanging on the wall of my living room. along with a reproduction pistol.... and a couple of turkeys and hmm 3 deer, and......
This is in my LIVING ROOM, mind you.
I have fired one gun in my life. Made one shot. Best shot of the entire competition*, and won a frozen turkey my mom cooked for thanksgiving.

I am very good at everything I try. I just don't like guns!! they are loud and scary and kill people. And i don't have any stats to back this up, but they probably kill more people BY ACCIDENT than intentionally. (except wars/etc)

* in high school, the Jr. ROTC held a 'turkey shoot' competition in the rifle range of the school. My teacher was a deputy reserve with the Dallas Sheriff's Dept. He showed me how to aim, how to 'breathe' and how to pull the trigger. They had several categories- best shot female/male teacher, best ROTC shot (male/female) and best shot- student -male/female. Maybe another category or two. don't remember...
Anyway, I'm a good learner, and I took my one shot. Best shot of the day for a female student. won the turkey!!
I just don't like guns. I do admire a beautiful piece of workmanship, tho'.

ok, carryon. I let ya'll do the he-man thing.
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09
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