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Keep it light
The basic principle of racecar handling is "lighter will corner better". The sole job Ol Shel had on the Viper project was to go to Lee and tell him to "KEEP IT LIGHT". The beauty of a Cobra is that it is a 2400Lb car with an enormous amount of HP and Torque. The car was selected by Shelby because it was first and foremost light. To use a BB is to add weight. All said and done, strictly from a physics perspective a large cube very light motor will be a bettter handling combination than a car with a heavier motor when it comes to braking and changing direction. If you are drag racing from corner to corner the BB will win. If you are trying to carry speed though the corner the lighter car will always win. I wanted bigger cubes and light weight and decided to use an aluminum block bored and stroked to 427 CI. Thinking that torque and HP will not suffer and weight will be an advantage. I recommend considering this approach. Ultimately Pick what you like!