Originally Posted by madmaxx
What are you talking about your car may very well reach the buy it now price before the auction ends. If you see maddmaxxdog bid it is me and I only deal with cash, no loans, no let me see if I can get approval and the other load of sheet people come up with. I like yours but blue with white is not my favorite and for 40K I want my favorite. If it were silver or titanium we would have a deal, I will be watching the auction. By the time I have it shipped to Texas I will be at 41.5K put engine trans etc and I am sitting at 52k, like I said I am watching it.
You have to do what you need to do. If this is not the color for you, don't buy it, wait for the right color for you.
If it does not sell in this auction, I will turn it over to the dealer (where it is today) and ask them to sell it for me on consignment and then, the deal will change in the following ways:
1) The great deal for a new owner will be gone, since they will sell it at comparable prices as the other new cars in stock. (price will increase)
2) For me it's all the same, since I will get the same amount or better than I am trying to get here, after their commission is taken out of the selling price.
3) Drawback for me is that we'll have to more than likely wait until Spring to get a sale, but there is no reason to take more than this beating for it. I am not desperate, but I would like to sell it.
I have been getting several emails per day asking me questions on it and there are 60 watchers of the auction.
The reserve has been lowered one last time. Good luck.