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Well it appears you have more background on this than I do and I will cede that you may know more than I on things that have occurred with ProAutosports in the past. But my memory is fine, like I said I do recall an incident in the last year, which you cite above but since I was not there that day I had no specific details. I never heard about the stock car, was that self inflicted or caused by another driver? I hope everyone was ok.
I suppose that is one of the risks in any track event by any organization at any track and if I saw that an organization had a very poor accident record I would be inclined to stay away. Based on my almost 2 years in ProAutosports as well as things that I have been told by others who run both ProAutosports and NASA for a very long time, this is not the case.
I do only participate in the HPDE activity which is more like practice/testing and is not what I would call side by side racing. At the end of the day all I can say is that at every event that I have participated in with ProAutosports there have not been any incidents and I have no issues with how the HPDE events have been run.
I suppose the backside of the main track is somewhat like the parking lot scenario that you describe but the east track or west track do not quite fit that description. Also regardless of AMP being closed, which still has me miffed, if the Firebird tracks are unsafe NASA would not be running there, they would not assume that risk. Now that I think about it, I guess Sebring is also a bit of a big parking lot so they should probably stop racing there as well.
I will not debate your comments on Larry Pond's reputation, he is not on this forum to defend himself.
I started this thread as the result of having a great time enjoying a day at the track and wanting to share it with others on this forum and now it has digressed into something that all I can say is quite different than my intent. Evidently you do not care for ProAutosports and I am at a loss why you even read this posting titled with their name.
Racing in a straight line is motorized bowling.
Taking corners (on a track) is a real sport.