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The market seems to be slow but it is not clear how much is due to seasonal factors, possible saturation of the market with cars, or possible real decrease in demand for Cobras.
The seasonal factor has to be for real. Winter is coming (already here for some). How good was last Springs selling season? If that was OK, this perceived slow down could just be seasonal.
Do you think that more new cars are coming on the market? Are there more dealers? More new cars being made for inventory that need to be soaked up? More manufacturers wanting a piece of the pie?
Has demand gone down? Do all of us geezers who want these things already have one?
The seasonal factor is real. I'm not sure I know the answer to the supply and demand questions. I wonder if there is any real data available?
I would only be concerned if data indicated last Spring's selling season was bad. I don't remember a lot of concern last Spring.
I just bought mine with winter coming. I'm sure that factor helped me get a good deal. If you intend to hold for the long term, this is not a factor. Winters are not bad in Atlanta anyway. Frankly the only time I would be uncomfortable in the car is in the July/August mid day sun.
Bottom line... unless someone has data raising flags about last Springs selling season, I wouldn't worry about this market for a while.
By the way, when people (especially kids) come up to me and ask me about the car, I take plenty of time with them. Just doing my part to plant the seeds of desire for the next crop of folks who have to have one of these things. I want this market to go on for a long time.