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well, it goes on... I will say a couple more things to the viewers. there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than are being posted here for view. parts of emails are being copied but not all of them, just in the name of spin.
why would I go to shelby america for a broken spinner when I knew you were right up the way at the same show. I went straight for you with the assumption that if I needed a part for a SPF car, the SPF dealer would be the best bet. So, no I came to you first and you blew me off. Shelby America did not.
below is the email that I wrote back to Doug after he wrote me this AM.
Buzz, You are way off base.
I am not so sure on that.
Read my email again, why would I ask you to call me? Maybe so I could spend more time trying to help you determine just what your problem was.
so, why not just say call me and let's talk? without the insults?
From your first emails you seem to be confused. See below, "one piece?"
looking in the from the inspection plate in the wheel well, everything I see associated with the clutch master is all one piece.
yeap, I said that. I walked out spent about 1/2 a min looking at it and thought I better ask someone what I am seeing, because I did not see the slave as it sits kind of behind the brake master. Just did not see it there. But that does not mean that I am an idiot by any means, which is how you treated me.
I have an older SPF car and I was needing to know the clutch master diameter. Is it 3/4?
It is cast into the housing of the master. You may need a mirror to see it, or remove the inspection plate. We had 3/4 and 7/8.
Yeap, thanks for the help. I did find what size I had
You THINK I knew you got defective spinners. B S.
Nope, pretty sure I did. You even mentioned it when I showed it to you at the track. And then went on to tell me they had a few bad batches, but did not metion anything to the affect of "if you have any more trouble, let me know and I will switch them out for you"....which would have been the right thing to do. Had several guys I was with standing there saying the same things...looking at the bubbles in the castings. Actually even went further and got more info on SCOF, and they seem to think the same thing. And the bottom line, the performance confirms it.
Why did I not give you a spinner in Tulsa, at the tract? Because you already had one from the Shelby guys, when I found out you needed one. Remember?
nope, did not happen that way. you were too busy taking pics with Kristen to give a **** about a customer who was looking for spinners. That is why I thought it strange.
My good reputation is still intact and is better than most any other dealers. What a shame I have to deal with people who don't appreciate my help.
my opinion is different.
I didn't help you because I wanted to make a buck off you,
BS, that is your business and you have made a buck off me.....on a couple of occasions.
I helped you because I'm a nice guy and I didn't want you diagnosing and replacing the wrong parts.
you explained how to find the part size. you explained that there a couple different set ups. other than that, you were insulting and I did not proceed with you. I do appreciate the info on how to find the size, thanks. Other than that, you did nothing for me....except insult me.
I took time to explain how to properly adjust the clutch throw, all the while knowing that you had an old car that may have been touched by less than competent people over the years.
this is kinda funny,..... I never discussed any adjustment procedures with you .....none. total fabrication. And you have no idea who has been touching my you were assuming. I can say that this may be a safe assumption, but who knows. Wouldn't you think that giving the customer some slack on this would have been the right thing to do? But I never spoke to you about this after that email, and that was at the beginning of my investigation. The resolution was done completely outside your or any of your advice or explanation.
You got a deal on an old car, good for you, had you bought a new car, you would not have to change out stuff, and would be satisfied, but that would have cost you more....right?
I have never complained about the car, the upgrades needed or the work that I have done to the car. In fact, like most, I consider this a hobby and use it to enjoy myself and to learn. Everything I have done to the car has been fun doing. Find one post or email where I dog this car or the upgrades. I enjoy learning about the car...that is what this is all about. There are no sour grapes with the car. None. I have been trying to make it safe as there have been a couple things that needed done to make is safe to drive. My feelings are about your service...not about the SPF car.
I'm sorry you feel I treated you poorly.
I do, and if that is a serious appology, I accept. If if is another smart ass comment, that is no surprise.
I'm also sorry you chose to post on a National forum such thoughts.
it was done without a name or any referrence to you. you brought YOURSELF into the thread.
YOU know your personality better than anyone else,
yes, but you don't know anything about me or my personality....nothing
and I believe you know deep down that you took offense at me telling you your are lost.
yes, correct....I did take offense.
I apologize for being so harsh,
Again, if this is a true apology, thank you.
I was just trying to shock you into calling me so I could help you.
considering you don't even know me, maybe you should rethink that for future customers. I found this VERY rude and knew immediately that I would be going elsewhere to do business.
That is evident, but you choose to dwell on the negative not the positive of me giving you my phone number and asking you to call.
That is like saying, "you are an idiot, but oh, call me". Can you see how that would not work?
I believe that is your personality, and not my problem.
Here we are right down the very heart of what I am saying. You keep making my point very clearly. You are not to blame. The customer is always wrong. And you just did nothing wrong. And you know NOTHING about me or my personality.
I did the right thing, and you want to pick apart every detail to make it look you way.
I'm glad you think you did the right thing. Really, sit back and think about it and really say to yourself...."I could not have done it any differently to help one of my customers". If you do that and believe it, God bless.
I'm done.
Doug, you were done a long time ago.
Have a nice day
thanks, you too.