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In cutting many hoses for my friends Backdraft with a heat exchanger...
We used a contractor type "chop saw" with a cutting "disc"..I am forgetting the correct name but its looks like a resin based abrasive disc.
This one was about 10" inches in diameter.
Best results from VERY TIGHT wrapping with duct tape...makes it easy to mark the cutting of us held the hose in place and smoothly lowered the cutoff saw, and the other pulled very gently untill the last little bit, then popped the hose back.
Nice clean cuts.
We had die blocks to hold the hose as the threaded coupling was screwed on.
You can do it...but if you are close to an Earls's, Russels distributer and shop...can measure well...let them cut and install the fittings.
If you have to, do it one or two lengths at a will get better at measuring and marking your cuts.
The short lengths are very doesn't like to bend, the long cuts are not critical...
ERA 289 #2027