Originally Posted by trularin
Too cold for my taste. I like to enjoy the ride, not have to have the ice removed from my face.
Tru - You wimp! I bet Freddie's frog loves a ride when its in the 50's. I love a short ride in the cool weather when the temp is about 55 ºF or above. Just have a nice warm hat and a good pair of gloves. The coldest ride was last winter in early January. There was no snow on the ground, dry streets and I went for a 20 minute ride. The temp was 19 ºF ... that was just a little cold, but I was driving the car into Boston for the big Auto Show. The drive home 3 days later was better ... a balmy 28 ºF. Winning two awards made the ride a lot warmer.
Its just a continuation of high school when I had a 57 Chevy Bel Air Convertible ... used to drive with the top down when it was snowing. That was one cool car. Sold it in the mid 60's for $350.00. Ahhhhh, those were the days!