Originally Posted by double ugly
I just checked ebay and the bid is at 52 plus with 52 people watching. I am surprised that it's gotten that high based on the SOFT cobra market, especially on ebay. Two days left on the auction. I think I am already starting to get sellers remorse. I'm not absolutely positive I want it to hit the reserve.
Hopefully, the car gets sold and you get a price that is satisfactory. However, you still need to look at your original expectations, the expectations as reflected in any classified ads on CobraCountry and where the bids on e-bay are coming in. I suspect that the number you take will still be less than what you originally expected - which expectation was based on what you purchased / built the car for. Keep in mind that my comments are simply based on what I see from watching the market. Nothing personal here. having seen you Cobra Country ads it is clear to me you have reset your expectations.