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The above being said, virtually no one (in fact actually no one) that I know takes their tires off the rims to relax them. At most, we heat cycle them once, then let them sit on the rims for 24 hours or more when possible. For 99 percent of weekend track junkies, this is just fine. You may even find that A032's, being really "tweener" tires (not as sticky as most R compounds, but stickier than regular street tires) are fine without heat cycling.
To answer your orginal question, the A032's will be better than a regular street tire once they have some heat in them. They will not be as good as some of the really trick R compounds. For a weekend club event, many people find them a good compromise. You can drive them to the track (you can't really do that with a Hoosier) and still have decent traction.