Originally Posted by Got the Bug
How detailed do the build receipts that you bring to the DMV have to be? I'm looking at a demo SPF that is located at a Superformance dealer that is out of state.
The car has never been titled and it won't be a problem getting seperate receipts for the rolling SPF chassis and the motor/transmission installation. Would the DMV also require a separate receipt for the motor, trans, etc.?
Just wondering whether the two reciepts (1. SPF dealer for chassis 2. installer for engine/trans/labor) would meet the DMV's criteria for a SPCN.
I would think you should be covered. I didn't have nearly all of the receipts I could have (car wasn't finished when I got my sb100). However, have the major ones (chassis, tranny, motor etc) and add the apropriate amount into a section for items not accounted for otherwise. I don't recall what that section was titled, but it will be obvious. That section totaled about $ 5K in my case.
Just don't try to be "cute" when you give them the total cost. The state wants it's "fair" share of the taxes, but otherwise, you should be fine.
Good luck!!