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Old 01-01-2007, 08:36 AM
Don Don is offline
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While I have not made any attempts, one starting point would be to locate a State Senator or Representative that might have a vested interest in our dilemma, such as active participation in the sport/hobby. Either personally or with friends and family members. Need the emotional attachment.

From my previous contact with the DMV, they have nothing to do with establishing the emissions standards. Their connection is to just enforce the PASS or FAIL standard as part of the registration process. As evident by the DMV emissions co-ordinator not being able to obtain the 2007 Composite standard from the DEP.

Jay, should you bring to a garage one of your Cobras for an emissions test, possible to find out the standard now, 2007, being used vs the 2006 standard ?
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Last edited by Don; 01-01-2007 at 08:47 AM..
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