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It's looking like an interesting year for the newbies.
Lots of different combinations of Kit/engine/trans & presumably wheel/brake also - and of course each builders own injection of what (s)he wants (or could afford at the time).
Having just said that, it looks like the standards are pretty high - all with fairly potent combos.
Looking at some of those combos makes me think that I'll be getting a good look at the back of the newbies.
My registration adventure will be a little different as I'm trying to use the Victorian Club Permit scheme rather than build an ADR spec car. (Although I did get the chassis/brake combo checked out by an authorised engineer and have stuck to ADR specs except for engine and associated wiring thingies - like seatbelt light)
Will be interesting to see how they shake out - I'm trying to set myself to get to both ShelbyFest and Nationals (does other states have a similar event - but could I make it?) and so hope to compare notes with all of you.
Good luck getting it driving/registered - (I dont think I can say finnished - are they ever??)