From the Emissions e-mail:
The following statistics are for the time period from the start of our program in October 2003 through Dec.26, 2007. During that time we tested 2.7
million vehicles of which 139,029 received a TSI test. Of the TSI tests
conducted 437 were Kit car tests with 287 initial tests and 150 retests
of one or more times.
Check my previous posting on the number of Composites registrered in CT. The 287 initial tests seems to be the correct number, + or -
Can I interpret the comment that waivers are being granted based upon the expense to meet the emissions standard, even though the waiver has to be renewed every two years ?
Also, appears there now is a name and phone number at the DEP Emissions office to obtain the 2007 Composite standards, has anyone called ? No reply from the DEP Chief of Staff or the State Representative to my inquiries.