I want to be able to drive it anywhere. It will definitely not be a show car. It just needs to look good, not flawless. I was talking to John at Anthem Motors and he was suggesting getting one between 300-400 hp and he seemed to think that was out there in the 25k range if I am patient. No trailer, I am lookng for a driver.
Originally Posted by John-Tucson
Steven, come to the Cheetah Open House on the 20 th and meet some of us. Decisions that you have to make: Am I going to only show the Cobra? Am I going to drive the Cobra ? Am I going to race, either drag or autocross the Cobra ? Will I drive it across the country ? Do I plan to trailer the Cobra to events ? These and other questions will tell you what kind of Cobra to buy, a $35,000.00 or a $ 25,000.00 Cobra. The beauty of this replica Cobra interest is that you CAN have it your way. Be careful, there is junk out there at both of those prices. Hope to see you on the 20th . John