We are trying to get a jump on this years Tour de Vin and could use some input:
This year we are planning on holding the tour June 10. This date provides the fewest conflicts with other events while avoiding hitting another "hottest day of the millennium

in July.
We are currently looking at a few regions within 2hrs of the east bay. These regions have nice quaint towns, good dining, nice affordable lodging (approx. $90-$120+/night)
How many would be interested in an overnight?
Friday/Sat or Sat/Sunday?
Some schedule suggestions have been:
Tour & Taste till 2:30 then stop at a restaurant for no host lunch.
For those staying over continue a little more “Tour & Taste” to the hotel.
Group dinner @7:30 or so in the evening
Next day open for “mini- groups” to possibly golf, Spa, checking out the area sites or more tasting.
Comments on these options/suggestions will also be welcome.
Thanks- your tour committee