I have a S/W (72" tube) mechanical
oil temprature guage with the bulb in the front of the
Oil Pan about 1" from the bottom. The
Oil Temp gauge rarely gets above indicated 160, the highest I have seen is 190. I too am concerned about the readings that I get. I have given some thought to wrapping the oil cooler hoses with insulation, even though it is blocked with a clear piece of plastic. Both of my temp gauges seem to read at least 20 degrees lower than I would expect. I have a 180 degree water thermostat and it runs an indicated 160-165 degrees at speed, but will go to indicated 190 before the fan switches on (which is about right) if I sit in traffic at a stop light, but cools right down once moving. I have thought perhaps the length of the 72" tubes for each gauge had something to do with it.