Originally Posted by Cobrabill
Felony tax evasion?Gimmee a friggin' break.Forgetting for the moment that Az.registers cars as the year that they REPLICATE. Unless you are asked what the car is worth and you LIE about it-you can't be charged with squat.I didn't omit ANYTHING.They took my Ca Title & reg and processed it without a word.Then she said $23.50 please.
Your figures are pointless as Cobras are not registered 427 or FIA-they are just Cobras.
It was not my intention to anger you as evidently I have by casting doubt in your mind as to your position and for that I apologize. If you want to reassure yourself , why don't you call the DMV and tell them you have a brand new copy of a 1965 car and ask what is the plate fee on a $40,000 car?
The millions , by the way, are the cumulative plate fees on the 1000's of replica cars and not just Cobras. Due to your anger and that I can see where this is headed, why don't you just PM me from here?
You may wish to read this and ponder the same thing in Arizona: