Well it is only 26 here and we had a high of 48 yesterday, but that cold wind was just to much. Hope that your weather gets better soon.
I have a guy re-doing may dash and he should have it finished today. He does it in the car so it takes a little longer, but it really looks good. I think I will have him do it every year as he said it would only take a short time to just lightly buff it and then re-finish it that way. I hadn't really noticed how dull it had gotten over the last 10 years until now.
I have to take Teddy to the vet ths morning for him to check on the knee they did surgery on and I want him to look at a couple of other things also. Hope I don't have to leave him as I have gotten used to having him here. Still miss sherry pretty bad, and he still goes all over the place looking for her.