Originally Posted by 767Jockey
Jeez - a tiny town like W.I. with two Cobras, and a wannabe! (me). How 'bout that!
FINALLY!! Make that 3 Cobra's in West Islip - I finally pulled the trigger.
FiveToes, yours is registered as a 2005? I'll try to talk with the guy I know on Bay Shore road and see if he knows of a way to get you through. The one I just bought is registered as a "1984 Homebuilt". I've not heard of one being registered like that before. It'll be interesting to see what challenges that will present when the time comes. When you were rejected, did they document anything that would prevent you from going to another inspection station to try again? If not, I'll see if Chris can try to get you through. I'll let you know. I'm going to PM you my phone number and email. Keep in touch, hopefully we can get you some help.