Theres some truth in that, figure in the overall cost about 1000-1200 to Calif. Add more to get it from there to where ever, and offer accordingly!
Take my friends Formula Ford, it's not currently for sale, but that could change with the right offer. I would guess somewhere around 8K would buy it. Now add $1200 to Calif. So you go shopping for a Formula Ford and see what the typical market price is, etc. Strange thing is I have seen VERY FEW of the VERY MANY race cars offered for sale here locally. I'm thinking two things are happening:
1. People hoping a new track will open (than aint gonna happen for years if ever, their dreaming).
2. There is no 'local market' for these cars.
As many people are paying to STORE them (my friend about $200 a month) there is a serious potential for incredible deals down the road at some point...