Not Ranked
Well you'll start off by saving the enclosed shipping fee from another part of the country. You may find that you like the rollbar and sidepipes black down the road a ways. It's sets you apart from most. Tastes change but they are small items that can be done as money permits. The stripes will be costly I think but cheaper if no clear coat is used. The roll bar and side pipes should be easy to remove for coating. The pictures look good. High HP is mostly for bragging rights unless you plan on tracking the car. The car will be able to scare the S**t out of you as it sits. It appears to be a nicely done car. If he would sell it for 25K I would have him deliver it as soon as the snow stops.
double ugly
The average fighter pilot, despite the sometimes swaggering exterior, is very much capable of such feelings as love, affection, intimacy and caring. These feelings just don't involve anybody else.
Last edited by double ugly; 01-21-2007 at 04:59 PM..