Thread: NYS Inspection
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Old 01-22-2007, 05:24 PM
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Wasn't able to drive the SPF to work today to run it through a NYS Inspection to see what would come up - it snowed all day

I am sure you will be all right if your inspection station calls Tech at the DMV. My biggest concern is that because we are heading into 'year 3' of inspections for our 2005 Custom registrations, the system might not properly identify our cars as NOT requiring the OBDII portion of the inspection that all other 2005 vehicles will have to pass for the first time. I am also curious how the machine will outline the process for the inspector - that's why I want to run mine through early, and if neccesary outline any special proceedures that the inspector might have to take....

How's the weather down your way?
Jim Kellogg
Breesport, NY
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