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I will take a 20% reduction in airflow with my filters over a box covering my expensive stacks.
I believe that was the original question, what to do instead of a box.
The "surface area" is the same regardless of a box over the stacks or a filter over each stack - limited by the actual stack's diameter. The box still trickles down to the stacks!
I will not argue that a K&N may not flow better, I do not know that and neither do you unless you flow test both.
I do think a box with a K&N will reduce flow at least 20%, if not, I would question the efficiency of their filter, which a lot of people do.
Some of us want to show their stacks when they open their hoods and I am one of them.
James, I can appreciate your induction setup and what went into it's design - I just chose to fabricate something different.