oh Fred!! I wish i hadn't looked!!!!
gawd, that could be David, Dave and Gerry!! grossssssss!!! that is exactly what is 'pig sticking' and i was being too lady like to write it all out..... ewwwwwwww!!!!!!! disgusting!!!
Ron, in Texas, you can kill anything. snakes, pigs, armadillos, even intruder!!!
gotta go!!!
gross gross gross....
ps... david shot a rattlesnake down in Mason, our ranch thing near Austin, and we put it in a ziploc bag and all the kids took it to their classes to show it off!! Texas is the last wild frontier....
(he almost stepped on it, walking to the cabin. there were about 15 of us, and man the kids were shrieking!! it was dark at night, and he heard the rattle... his brother put a flashlight on it, and blam!! it shook and squirmed for 15 minutes. We held it by its tail and it was just writhing. the head was long gone... but the kids were freaking out cuz it 'might still bite me' yeah, with no head...

but it did look bizarre, still writhing around, dead of course, but the nerves and muscles were still jumping.... ewwww gross again!! got that rattle somewhere.....