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Thanks fellas
Schipps = The gauges are autometer cobalt. And I remember buying my kit and waiting what seemed an eternity for it to arrive. Three and half years later and lots of overtime (to pay for everything) later, it all seems worth it. After saying that I am yet to go for a drive in a Cobra yet. I hope I like it!
Rebel1 = How do you know where I live. Are you stalking me again! As for the ECU, I know where you are going! I do however have a standard Ford 4.6 ECU which I got from overseas however the amount of dieting the harness would have needed meant you may as well start from scratch. I also don't know if the standard ECU even works (I got it cheapo) and to buy a brand new one from Ford actually costs more then an Autronic or Motec. So no it won't have the oringal ECU with factory tune. SShhh. As for the Lucas switches, I don't know?
PCC I'll be knocking on your door soon, two blue Cobras hooning around Garden City / Carrondale sounds oj.
Plums = Temaze? Did you get them from Rebel1?
Post some more pics soon with my Hard Top on!
Never Piss into the Wind!