Originally Posted by Don
This is a new experience for me, contacted the Transportation Committee Clerk
** The speakers are taken in the sequence they register in WITHOUT regard to the specific bill. Getting to the Committee Hearing Room early if there is a line for the 9:00 sign-up, would allow for earlier testimony . Again, speaker sign up sequence, not Bill number sequence, for speaking
** If attending, but not speaking, please consider written testimony, 50 copies to the clerk by 9:00 AM. The Clerks then collate in House Bill Number sequence for each of the 34 Representatives on the Transportation Committee. Reason to identify the Bill Number and Title at the top of the written testimony.
Do we have any gauge on how the written testimony is processed? Could this be more powerful than a 3 minute song and dance?
The fact they do not go in order of Bill is odd... how do you keep momentum on one subject....