Originally Posted by Mark Brye
Gosh, I know how hard it is to descide on what gears to get. I have been debating between the 3:4x's and the 3:6x's for a good 3 months now. I still find myself waivering between the two gear sets. I just don't want to make
1st gear useless.
Thanks for the tid bit on the diff about needing to drill and tap. I saw that Matrix sells a 3:73 "BDR" diff. Maybe this is already drilled/tapped. I wonder if they can drill tap any of their other gear ratio rearends?
Our customer with a Ford Racing 392 and TKO-500 that is local went with the 3.64s even though I told him a couple times to go 3.73. We even had a miscommunication and I told him we had a 3.73 for him and he was mad. Turned out we had the 3.64 like he specified... a little while later he told me the 3.73 would have been better