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Hey Sorry Guys I have been out of the picture but I have had so much work getting the new place cleaned up and working it has been very tuff .
Then Bad luck hit last couple of weeks had a friend do me a favor of driving my Dually from the town shop to my house and he ended up in a sever Wreck accedently killer the other driver and totally my truck out as well . Then 2 days later, our lincholn decieds to not start and has been a pain in the rear plus all the other bull crap I am trying to make the best of things but has been very tuff this the first I have spoke out since the wreck which is stilll under investagation ...
If anyone has a nice pick up for sale cheap !!!!!!! Looks like I will need to get something to get us by for a while ...
Any Way we are looking foward to seeing everyone at the big meet .....
Big T
King Cobra
God Bless us All