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I'm not an expert but this should get you close:
1. Am I correct in assuming that the used titled car will have to go through the SB1578 process and the untitled but complete car will have to get an SB100 exemption next January? Are they the same process with different SB #'s?
A. The bills are intermingled. 1578 added wording to allow "previously registered" vehicles to meet the requirements for SB100. (as an aside, I appeared before the Calif. Senate Transportation Committee with Sen. Johannessen to give testimony on the necessity of this modification for those of us who were previously registered incorrectly).
2. If the car has been titled in another state, is the Certificate of Origin (CO) not needed because it was given up to the other state's DMV when it was originally registered?
A. Can't help on this one.
3. For the untitled car, if I have the receipts for work done and the CO, are there any other pratfalls I should be aware of in the registration process?
A. You will probably have to get a "vehicle bond" (to protect the people of California!) at a cost of 1 to 1 1/2% of the total vehicle cost. Make sure to have all your receipts to prove the value of your car. You must also be careful in reading the definition of Special Constructed Vehicles - you may have a great deal of difficulty if the roller AND engine were installed by the same dealer. If the roller came from ERA or SPF and you installed the engine or Joe, the mechanic down the street did, no problem it will meet the requirements.
4. I've read about "Titles Unlimited" of Alabama, but there appears to be legitmately registered Cobras from other states with the year "1965" or "1966". In fact some say "Ford Cobra replica", which I realize that it's not a Ford Cobra anything, at least here in CA. On the surface, is this a problem by itself? I know I will have to register the Cobra as a SPCNS in CA, but does it need to have a "2005" or "2006" on the registration certificate?
A. Some states apparently allow the registration of replicas as the year they represent. In California your SPCNS will show the model date as the ACTUAL date of manufacture, i.e. 2001 SPCNS, etc. Any vehicle with a model year different than the year manuafuctured is incorrectly registered.
I'm sure DMV can answer your questions about how to deal with out-of-state replicas registered as "1965" or "66"
5. What do I need to do in order to get a TOP after purchase and delivery in CA?
A. From what I read from others it's a coin-toss on TOPs. It seems to depend on the DMV office and the DMV clerk. I could give you a "common sense" answer but, in dealing with DMV, it may not be correct. Over the last few years DMV is slowly getting up to speed with SPCNS. You might do a search on CC on 1578 & 100 from this year. See which DMV offices were the most knowledgeable and helpful, and then find one close to you.
Remember, you don't have to jump through all the hoops if your vehicle meets smog requirements. You wouldn't have to wait for the "500."
Hope that helps a bit. Although it's a pain, at least now there is a way to legally register the vehicle. Clear as mud?
You can also email CC member "Morgester" who is an AG with the State. I believe he has been tasked with "fixing" the whole problem!!! ;-)
Terry Brown SPF #930 427W 419 RWHP 48 IDA Webers
"Remember, your car will not be more valuable after Track Day than it is the day before the event" - Eric W. instructional presentation on Track Day safety, 05/15/2008 WSCB
Last edited by Terry Brown; 02-23-2007 at 12:04 PM..