Well the garage is all designned - just under 900sq. ft and includes office and a gym.
The main house design is in concept stage - changed 8 times -with an additional 1150sq. ft. Our architect is working within the similiar design.
Although we will restart with just the shell. New kitchen, new bathrooms additional bedroom/guest area and theatre added.
We have also added a new family area with an outdoor kitchen area off it. This is not Eichler, but fits well with Eichler and what my architect calls Palm Springs Modern.
Thanks for the PM and links on this Thread. No doubt we wll change plans a dozen more times with the architect.
One thing we now know what an Eichler is. This home has the atrium style from the side and the extra bedrooms and appears to be similiar to some of the Sunnyvale homes. Original plans indicate it is 50 years old. When built the owners added an extra area for an office and a storage room. So it is a good base to work from.
We have more than doubled the house - not counting the garage - and there is only the two of us here now.
I don't know what she is doing...
Thanks again for all the links, PM's and thoughts.