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Cylinder head upgrade
Folks, I'm currently running a set of TFS Twisted Wedge heads (standard exhaust ports) with porting and a set of Erson billet aluminum roller rockers. I'm toying with the idea of going to a higher performance head with raised ports. Since I would need to have a new set of headers fabricated, I would go with something a bit bigger than my current 1 5/8" tubes. Is it likely that I could get a manufacture-cnc'd port job that is optimum out of the box? My current heads were hand ported (don't know it that's good or bad). I'm running a Vic Jr. intake that has already been gutted a bit. I would have them installed at Southern anyway, so any issues about knotching pistons for valve clearance would be handled. I'm holding off getting my Demon 750 blueprinted until I decide on this upgrade. Any particularly exciting makes out there - Brodix, TFS-R, AFR 205/225 etc?
After a good hard ride.....oil pressure is over 50, temp is below 190, she idles and no new dents. LIFE IS GOOD!