interesting idea, Steve. I'm not driving down to Austin, but some guys might want to! You could always take a group. This event is really nice- kind of a 'do your own thing' thing.
You can go out to dinner with buddies on thurs., fri., sat., and then come to the parking lot parties later, you can 'wing it' with dinner in the parking lot (whatever is served you eat!!!!) and then hang around and 'socialize'.
A lot of times we've gone up the highway to the bbq place. This year, with each major area hosting a parking lot social, it's a little different. Looking forward to this new format!
Regarding a cruise, same thing. Different groups head off in different directions, whatever grabs ya! Some folks have friends in the area, and they go a-visitin'.
The 'main' cruise on Friday is to the Oasis, the main cruise on Saturday is to El Arroyo. Both wonderful places, and i wouldn't miss either.
two years ago, i skipped the saturday cruise because i NEEDED to go to 6th street; i was picking up a painting i bought!! Didn't go in the cobra tho', it wouldn't have fit.
Feel free to grab a group and cruise on out. The above plans are the basic framework. Great weekend, great trip, great cruise! a 'highlight' of the year!! And what a way to start things out! whooohooooo!
Tell Yancey to 'watch out' for red stuff and blue stuff.