Yesterday I was driving thru downtown Boston, just for grins. It was above 70 ºF and all the college girls were out walking around.
I was stopped at a red light and I saw this guy about 40 years old run along the sidewalk about 100 feet and stopped by my idling Cobra, about 30 feet away. There was some construction going on at the sidewalk, so ....
... the guy yelled out "What kind of car is that?"
and I responded "It's a Cobra".
... he again yelled out "What?"
and I raised my voice and yelled "It's a Cobra".
... and he said quizzically "an Oprah?"
so I responded "Yes, its a 2007 Oprah Winfrey. She only made 4 and gave one to me".
There were two guys in their mid 20's about 20 feet away and by this time they are laughing out loud. I had trouble trying to keep a straight face without bursting into tears of laughter.
... and the guy yelled back "How much did it cost".
I held up one finger and he said "$10,000?" and I pushed my finger higher ... and he said "$100,000?" and I pushed my finger way up in the air and he exclaimed "ONE MILLION?" and I nodded my head yes.
Thankfully the light finally turned green and I accelerated off into the distance (just a small chirp of Goodboots) while the two guys on the street were still laughing hard at our conversation.