Originally Posted by Andrew Teal
I love trees and hug some small ones, but I also love Cobras and mine loves to set car alarms off. Not last fathers day but in 2005 I had driven into Tacoma Wa to spend Fathers day with my son . I stop at Safeway,park on the other side of the lot away from ever one, just there 15mins to pick up some steaks for the get together. As I got back to the Cobra there was shopping cart in the front end of the Cobra the headlight was broken and some paint chips in front. A guy standing by said that this guy had run the cart into the front end and drove off. He had part of the linc.#
I think I was glad I wasnt there or I would have kill the guy I was so dam mad. I think there most be some people out there who think that all of us have not work hard to have these cars
WTF?! Good thing you didn't see that happen and the guy that did it. That would have been a felony assault charge for me.