I finally got to try the different filters for my fuel injection on the dyno. The chassis dyno was not working properly so I was only able to do comparitive runs to see how much difference there was in the two filters.
To my surprise there was only 5.2 HP difference. The tuner basically said that for all practicality they were both the same. This did not seem correct to me as with a carb you see a difference in HP by changing or eliminating the filters.
I called Bob Ream at Imagine Injection to see what the factory had found the difference to be. He confirmed my dyno results by saying their tests showed no difference in HP between either types of filters or no filters at all. He thinks that because the FI is controlled by the computer that is continually compensating for changes in air, fuel, temp, ect you don't see the differences in HP you see with a carb.
If there is no difference I just need to decide which to use. The small individual filters sure show off the injectors. I'm thinking thats the way to go, what do others think?