April works fine for me, and yes, it
will be a little nicer than March for the Atlanta area. (Man, we're
never gonna live down that whole blizzard thing.
People will indeed be arriving throughout Friday, so a dinner would probably be best. And people are probably gonna be tired of driving by that point.
Saturday would be the busy day. I'm picturing a show-and-shine and lunch at Bill's followed by the previously mentioned back-country drive which would also serve as a poker run. Hmm... is there an Outback Steakhouse in McDonough for dinner?
Having breakfast on Sunday sounds like a marvelous idea to me (anything involving food sounds like a marvelous idea to me!
Jerry Rowley
When do you plan to be in the Atlanta area? I'm due to see the folks again soon. Maybe you, Mike, and I can get together to discuss this stuff in person. Gimme a call if you need to. (803) 243-8220.