WTF! How can a battery just fall out? I ckeck this stuff by looking in the engine compartment each time before I go and when I come back.
I do this everytime since that first time I took it out of the garage.
Wifey was sitting there calm trying to hook all the belts so she wouldn't fly out of the car if we had a wreck. I told her it really didn't matter because if someone hits us on the highway we may wish we did not have the seat belt on. Just imagine you in 4 pieces,
battery acid all over you, arms and pieces of your head scattered all over the road! What a site. Of course everyone after the wreck would be talking about the engine and how much HP it had or something forgetting we are scattered all over the place etc.....
So she unhooked the safety belt.
While I was laughing
at her, I started
up the car... forgot I had it in gear
and blew though the garage door. She grabbed the dash rail (had this mounted for just this sort of action).... I slammed on the brakes (this car has very good brakes); the trunk hood flew open and smashed her on the head as she was going over the windshield. (This is another reason I keep the hard top on
She now wears a helmet!
Oh, the helmet matches the car color.