People seem to be forgetting that ACMikee was arrested because the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia didn't like the way ANOTHER STATE(Georgia) does it's DMV transactions.WHO THE F*&K is Kalifornia to tell another state how to go about its business?
The arrogance of left coast bastion of communist C-suckers just defies the imagination.
The state creates the problem by not having a way to legally register the cars,then when people find a LEGAL way around it-then they arrest them for it.SON-OF-A BIATCH!!!This wreaks of Germany circa 1935.
And for his comments,the prosecutor needs to have a .22 planted behind his ear.
Joey-and what problems does Arizona have?Keeping in mind that they just repealed emissions checks on all vehicles 15 years old or older that have a classic car insurance policy on them and they also repealed ALL motorcycles smog checks in the state except Maricopa county.