Ok, I finally got the new battery installed and it's safe to say that the person over there at FFR that made this battery placement design should be shot!
After trying to get the damned thing in there by hand, I decided I;d better start taking steroids or get a floor jack. After I got the floor jack, I decided I'd better get a taller floor jack or lower the car. I almost asked the wife to come help me and then I realized that I really don't need her to have another reason for me to get rid of the car.
I didn't really want to unhook the new battery and use the floor jack to lower the car so I started shoving 2x4's between the battery and floor jack until I could get the battery to the correct height. Besides, if I lowered the car, I couldn't get under it to put the battery in! I took the wheel off, this helped immesely!
I should have JB welded the rods in place like someone posted earlier. They must have fallen out 50 times. I finally got it all in place and it feels secure. I will have to look into getting the battery mounted in the trunk, this is a ridiculous design! I took it for a spin and everything seems good.
I cannot believe that I've spent 2-3 hours working on a freakin' battery!