03-30-2007, 07:41 PM
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Join Date: May 2001
Location: Fresno,
Cobra Make, Engine: KMP 184/482ci Shelby
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Originally Posted by Cobrabill
Jamo-let me count the ways you are WRONG.
1-I went the TU route strictly because of SMOG.
Then you did it to commit fraud...to sidestep the SPCN laws in California. BTW, since the lower taxes for using a junkyard tag were not your reason, can we assume you offered to pay the correct amount to the DMV, or at least donate it to the mental health services in Arizona that you will likely be using in the future?
2-If the originals came with a 427 SO,then there is no reason replicas can't.(and BULL$HIT AQMD rules are not a reason.)
Try reading and paying attention...if you use a true SO from the mid-60s under SPCN rules, you would have few problems. The year of mfg determines whether you have to get it smogged...but you smog it to the specs of the year of the engine.
3-So each state has laws-BFD.The car(s) were LEGALLY registered in another state.
Since you have trouble reading and understanding posts at this place, I won't even suggest you attempt to read the Constitution and understand what states rights are all about. Each state taxes smokes differently, some allow double semi-trailers with longer lengths, different speed limits, etc. If you want a federal registration law (which would likely prohibit these things entirely because they can't pass a 2 mph crash test), then by all means follow that up with your local congressman.
4-there have been more people LEAVING California than people moving there each year since 1991.Proof positive that the peoples Republik of Kalifornia SUCKS.
Glad you were caught up on the outward wave.
5-Oh,just pay your taxes?No,It's interesting how people seem to have forgotten one of the major reasons this country was started:Taxes.Remember the Boston Tea party?
So? You left, so STFU and go play in the sand...you have lots of it.
6-Stonage?Really...........you must think Feinstein,Pelosi,Boxer,Davis,Moonbeam were all ASSets to the country.Not to mention draconian SMOG rules that make no sense.You belong in that state.Bend over and spread 'em and stock up on the K-Y.
Not really...but Reagan wasn't too bad. I wonder how long it's going to take before Phoenix looks like LA used to. I think about things like the Cobras we drive being developed here along with the foundation for the entire hot rodding industry, the computer and software companies who developed this universe that we spend time in, the various design studios that locate themselves here rather than Tacna or Wilcox, the airplane industry, the movies you enjoy, etc. etc. It's called culture...it may be a crazy culture and it may not fit the tastes of wood paneled drawing rooms...but it is the epicenter of this phuking planet, like it or not.
If you're so glad you're gone, why do you keep talking about California? Seems like you keep trying to substantiate your decision. Oh well...enjoy yourself until you decide everyone else is wrong in Arizona and you move on to...what...New Mexico?
Last edited by Jamo; 03-30-2007 at 08:33 PM..