Originally Posted by PatBuckley
Are there any rooms left?
I am planning on attending if there are.
Hey Pat. Here is the scoop. The discounted group block and the main hotel is sold out Fri/Sat, and has been for a while. I had a few extras set aside for emergencies, and those are gone now too in the group.
HOWEVER, I call every few days to check for people and a room pops open here and there in the main "Tower" where most of us stay. I just checked with my source there, and there were some open in the main hotel on Friday, but not in our block on Saturday, but a room was open on Friday again. There are rooms in the older/lower (not so great) Courtyard hotel adjacent to where we had the car show last year. If you are bringing your car, give them the access code on your WSCB registration form and they can check periodically to see. Three others have tried in the last few weeks and picked up a space from the main hotel and reservations actually honored them with our group code rate, which is great. Note, the janugget.com registration website will always show it as full now, so try calling them every few days and see if one pops open - and I think it will; Let me know. Resvervations: 1-800-648-1177.