wow, sounds great!
just work out those little kinks, and learn to drive the thing!
i could say the same....
took the 500 out for a little spin with my girlfriend last night. hit some water, fishtailed a lot, scared the $hit out of her, startled me..... whew!! she covered her eyes the rest of the way home... not sure she'll be riding with me for a while.
when we first started driving, she was all 'gungho' with it. "oh this car is much nicer than the Cobra... this car is smoother than the cobra... this is great! I like it a lot better...."
and then slippey slidey!!

i need to learn how to handle it much better before i do foolish things like that!
I'm really mad at myself more, because going thru that water now the undercarriage is gonna be dirty, spotty, messy. guess i'll put it on the lift and clean it up, but i was really trying to avoid driving it in a lot of water.
we've had huge storms the last couple of days, and everything over here by me had dried up (in the streets) really well.
this particular section of road was really low, and I punched it thru it and did the slide thing. not smart at all.
