Originally Posted by Bill Wells
anyone know what this coupe sold for ? Bill
EDIT...oops, I just found it posted on the BJ 'results' site , sale price listed as $79,200 . I don't know if that includes buyer commission or not though . Bill
$79,000 includes 10% buyers premium as my auction note state the car sold for $72,000 (I bid it up past 65K
) meaning the owner cleared $64,800 after buyers premium but not including the initial listing and auction fees. When I saw the car this morning, the "sold" sign was half torn off the cars windshield, along with the cars information sheet and auction number. Makes me wonder whether the new owner just wanted it off quickly before it had time to bake in the sun (even though the car was under the tent), or if the seller was a little pissed at the price that he got for the car. We may never know
edit: If you notice the sellers web site is now down as well.
Bill S.